ㆍ Ph. D, Electrical Engineering- Systems, University of Southern California, CA, USA (1991. 12)
ㆍ M. S. E., Electrical Engineering- Systems, University of Southern California, CA, USA (1986. 05)
ㆍ B. S., Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea (1984. 02)
ㆍ Professor, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea (1995. 09 ~ present)
연세대학교 공과대학 전기전자공학부 정교수
ㆍ Director and Chair, Yonsei Institute of Information and Communication Technology, Yonsei University (2016. 03 ~ 2017.02)
연세대학교 정보통신기술연구원 원장
ㆍ Chair, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University (2010. 03 ~ 2012. 02)
연세대학교 공과대학 전기전자공학부 학부장
ㆍ Visiting Professor, University of Waterloo (CACR), Canada ( 2002.03 ~ 2003.02)
Univ. of Waterloo 방문교수
ㆍ Pseudo-random Sequences for communications and cryptography
ㆍ Error-correcting codes for digital communications
ㆍ Combinatorial mathematics and applications
Academic Activities (학술활동)
ㆍ 운영위원장 - 한국통신학회 통신신호연구회 (2021~현재)
ㆍ Chair, The 32nd Joint Conference on Communications and Information (JCCI) (2022)
2022 통신정보합동학술대회 (JCCI) 조정위원장
ㆍ 제1회 최석정상 수상 (2021) - 과학기술정보통신부 장관/대한수학회장
ㆍ 한국공학한림원 회원 (2020~)
ㆍ 해동학술상 (2019) 한국통신학회
ㆍ Vice-President, Korean Institute of Information Communication Sciences (KICS) (2018. 01 ~ Present)
한국통신학회 부회장
ㆍ 공로상 (2017) 대한수학회 - 조선시대 최석정의 업적 MOLS of order 9의 홍보에 대한 공로
ㆍ Chair, The 27th Joint Conference on Communications and Information (JCCI) (2017)
2017 통신정보합동학술대회 (JCCI) 운영위원장
ㆍ Chair, IEEE IT Society Seoul Chapter (2009. 01 ~ 2015.12)
IEEE IT Society Seoul Chapter 위원장
ㆍ Co-Chair, 2015 IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Jeju, Korea (2015)
2015 IEEE Information Theory Workshop 공동위원장
ㆍ 정보보호학회 논문지 편집위원장 (2012)
ㆍ Special Contribution Award, 2011 IEEE Mid West Symposium on Circuits and Systems (2011)
수상, 2011 IEEE Mid West Symposium on Circuits and Systems 특별 공로상
ㆍ Chair of TPC, 2010 Asia-Pacific Conference on Communication (APCC) (2010)
2010 Asia-Pacific Conference on Communication (APCC) 학술위원장