전공영역: 국제비교교육, 교육개발, Global, Comparative and International Education
20세기에 접어들면서 미국과 유럽을 중심으로 국제비교교육학은 독자적인 학문영역으로 인정받고 성장해 왔다. 이차 대전 이후로 국제교류가 활성화되고 World Bank, UN, OECD 등 교육개발에 참여하는 국제기관들의 역할이 커지면서 국제교육에 관심이 쏠리게 되었다. 국제비교교육학은 각국의 교육제도, 교육방법, 교육환경과 교육정책 등의 비교분석을 통해서 각 국가, 민족과 문화의 특성을 규명하고 일반화된 교육법칙과 이론을 정립해 나가는 학문이다. 다른 나라들의 경험을 통해서 자기 나라의 교육정책과 실천의 개선방향을 모색하고 새로운 교육개발에 기여하는데에 실용적 가치를 둔다. 국제비교교육의 연구는 궁극적으로 각국의 교육 시스템이 어떻게 세계화, 도시화, 현대화와 경제발전에서 비롯한 사회의 급격한 변화와 상호 작용을 하는지 비교적인 시각에서 과학적이고 체계적으로 이를 설명할 수 있는 research tool과 analytical framework을 제공한다.
옥스퍼드 대학교 학사
하버드 대학교 대학원 교육학 석,박사
현재 연세대학교 부교수, Yonsei Lee Youn Jae Fellow
옥스퍼드대학교 조교수
하버드 대학교 Teaching Fellow
국제비교교육학, 국제교육정책, 국제개발, 중국의 경제개혁과 교육, 교육과 사회변동, 혼합연구방법론, 여성교육과 성불평등, 부모의 교육적 관여와 사교육, Human Development and Education
* students
Kim, Sungwon (in press). “Parental involvement and barriers in East Asian countries: Understanding home-school relations.” Asia Pacific Journal of Education. doi: 10.1080/02188791.2024.2316084
Cong Zhang, Kim, Sungwon, Yoshikawa, Hirokazu, Fong, Vanessa L., Chen, Xinyin, Way, Niobe, and Lu, Zuhong (Sept 2023). “Lineage difference in grandmothers’ childcare help and mothers’ parenting stress in urban China.” Journal of Family Studies 29(5): 2025-2045.
Kim, S., Zhang, C., and Chung, H.* (2023). “Global aspirations, Domestic choices: South Korean youth pursuing domestic pathways.” Comparative Education Review.
Zhang, C., Yang, A. Z., Kim, S., and Fong, L. V. (2023). “Why parents’ fertility plans changed in China: A longitudinal study.” The China Quarterly 253: 183-196 .
Kim, S. (2022). “Fifty years of Parental Involvement and Achievement research: A Second-Order Meta-analysis.” Educational Research Review 37: 1-15.
Kim, S, Zhang, C., Yoshikawa, H., Fong, V. L., Way, N., Chen, X., and Ke, X. (2022). “Family duties and Job flexibility: Tradeoffs for Chinese urban, eduated mother with toddlers.” Journal of Comparative Family studies 53(1): 25-47.
Kim, S., and Zhang, C. (2022). “Factors influencing Korean students’ choice of study abroad destination short-term and long-term by destination country.” Asia Pacific Education Review 23(1): 197-208.
Kim, S., Jang, S.*, and Chong, M.* (2021). “Policy referencing patterns in South Korea: The Free Year Program and the High School Credit Policy.” International Journal of Educational Development 86: 1-9.
Kim, S. (2021). “Effects of Socioeconomic status and Gender on valued qualities and future success in South Korea.” Korea Observer 52(4): 733-756.
Zhang, C., Yang, A. Z., Kim, S., and Fong, V. (2021). “How Chinese Newlyweds’ Experiences as Singletons or Siblings Affect Their Fertility Desires." The China Quarterly 247: 835-854.
Kim, S., and Kim, L.* (2021). “Happiness education and the Free Year program in South Korea.” Comparative Education 57(2): 247-266.
Kim, S., Zhang, C., Chung, H.*, Kim, Y.*, Choi, S.* (2020). “Why do women value credentials? Perceptions of Gender inequality and Credentialism in South Korea.” International Journal of Educational Development 73: 1-9. doi.org/10.1016/j.ijedudev.2020.102158
Kim, S. (2020). "Meta-analysis of parental involvement and achievement in East Asian countries." Education and Urban Society, 52(2), 312-337. doi.org/10.1177/0013124519842654
Kim, S., Cho, H., & Kim, L. Y.* (2019). "Socioeconomic Status and Academic Outcomes in Developing Countries: A Meta-Analysis." Review of Educational Research 89(6): 875-916. doi.org/10.3102/0034654319877155
Kim, S. (2019). “Is Socioeconomic Status less predictive of Achievement in East Asian countries? A Systematic and Meta-Analytic Review.” International Journal of Educational Research 97: 29-42. doi.org/10.1016/j.ijer.2019.05.009
Kim, S. (2019). “Left Behind Teachers’ perceptions of Family-School relations in rural China.” Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education 49(4): 584-601. doi:10.1080/03057925.2018.1438885
Choi, Y.*, Kim, S., and W. Hong (2019) "Is the role of cultural capital in student achievement in South Korea different? A systematic review." British Journal of Sociology of Education 40(6): 776-794. doi: 10.1080/01425692.2019.1592662
Kim, S., Cho, H.S., and M. Song* (2019). “Revisiting the Explanations for Asian American Scholastic Success: A meta-analytic and critical review.” Educational Review 71(6): 691-711. doi.org/10.1080/00131911.2018.1471664
Kim, S., Brown, K., and V. Fong (2018). “Poorer Children Study Better: How Urban Chinese Young Adults Perceive Relationships between Wealth and Academic Achievement." Comparative Education Review 62(1): 84-102.
Kim, S., Brown, K., and V. Fong (2018). “How flexible gender identities give young women advantages in China’s new economy.” Gender and Education 30(8): 982-1000.
Kim, S. (2018). “How and Why Fathers are involved in their Children’s Education: Gendered Model of Parent involvement.” Educational Review 70(3): 280-299.
Kim, S. (2018). “Parental Involvement in Developing Countries: A Meta-Synthesis of Qualitative Research.” International Journal of Educational Development 60: 149:156.
Kim, S., Brown K., and V. L. Fong (2017). “Chinese Individualisms: Rearing the Next Generation of Upwardly Mobile Chinese Middle Class Citizens.” Ethos 45(3): 342-366. doi: 10.1111/etho.12168
* Most downloaded article in Ethos since 2017
Kim, S., Kim, E., Wagaman, A., and V. Fong (2017). “A Longitudinal Mixed Methods Study of Parents’ Socioeconomic Status and Children’s Educational Attainment in a Chinese City.” International Journal of Educational Development 52: 111-121.
Lee, E., Kim, S., J. Kim, and R. Enright (2017). “Family conflict and forgiveness among survivors of suicide.” Journal of Loss and Trauma 22(8): 689-697.
Lee, E., Kim, S., and R. Enright (2019). “Beyond grief and survival: Posttraumatic growth after immediate family suicide loss in Korea.” Omega-Journal of death and dying 79(44): 414-435.
Kim, S., Brown K., and V. Fong (2016). “Credentialism and Career Aspirations: How Urban Chinese Youth Choose High School and College Majors.” Comparative Education Review 60(2): 271-292.
Kim, S. and N. Hill (2015). “Including Fathers in the Picture: A Meta-Analysis of Parental Involvement and Students’ Academic Achievement.” Journal of Educational Psychology 107(4): 919-34.
Lee, E., Kim, S., and R. Enright (2015). "A Case Study of a Survivor of Suicide who lost all Family members through parent-child collective suicide." Crisis- The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention 36(1): 71-5.
Kim, S. and V. Fong (2014). "Homework help, Achievement in middle school, and later college attainment in China." Asia Pacific Education Review 15(4): 617-631.
Kim, S. and V. Fong (2014). “A Longitudinal Study of Son Preference and Daughter Preference among Chinese Only-Children from Adolescence to Adulthood.” The China Journal 71: 1-24.
Kim, S. and V. Fong (2013). “How Parents Help Children with Homework in China: Narratives Across the Life-span.” Asia Pacific Education Review 14(4): 581-92.
Kim, S., Fong, V., Yoshikawa, H., Way, N., Chen, X., Deng, H., and Z. Lu (2010). “Income, Work Preferences, and Gender Roles among Parents of Infants in Urban China: A Mixed Method Study from Nanjing.” The China Quarterly 204: 939-959.
* Republished in Harriet Evans and Julia Strauss, eds. (2011). Gender in Flux: Agency and its Limits in Contemporary China. Cambridge University Press.
Book chapters
Fong, V., Zhang, C., Kim, S., Yoshikawa, H., Way, N., Chen, X., Lu, Z., and Deng, H. (2012). “Gender Role Expectations and Chinese Mothers’ Aspirations for their Toddler Daughters’ Future Independence and Excellence.” In Andrew Kipnis, ed., Chinese Modernity and the Individual Psyche. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 106-136.
Fong, V. and Kim, S. (2011). “Anthropological Perspectives on Chinese Children, Youth, and Education.” In Bradley A. U. Levinson and Mica Pollock, eds., A Companion to the Anthropology of Education. Chichester, West Sussex; Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 333- 348.