- [Fall 2022] Job Fair for International Residents 2022 / 2022麻谷全球化人才招聘博览会
- Job Fair for International Residents 2022 Date: Friday, October 7, 2022 (10:00~17:00) Venue: Seoul Startup Hub M+ (14, Magokjungang 8-ro, Gangseo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea) Hosted by: Seoul Metropolitan Government Organized by: Magok Industrial Complex Management Department Please refer to the website for more information. 2022麻谷全球化人才招聘博览会 活动日期:2022年10月7日(星期五)(10:00 ~ 17:00) 活动地点: 首尔创业中心M+(首尔特别市江西区麻谷中央8路14) 主办:首尔特别市 协办: 麻谷产业园区管理团 详情请跳转至招聘博览会官方网站。
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.09.20
- 2022 Central Asia Together Festival / 2022 중앙아시아 문화주간 투게더 페스티벌 참가자 공모(~9.29.)
- 2022 Central Asia Together Festival is looking for participants. - Festival Date: October 22nd~23rd (Saturday~Sunday) - Eligibility: Central Asia or Korean - Registration: Fill out application and send 2 minute video via email. - Registration Deadline: September 29th, 2022 (Thursday) at 23:59 For more information, please visit the website 2022 중앙아시아 문화주간 투게더 페스티벌 참가자 모집 - 일시 / 장소: 2022. 10. 22. (토)~ 23(일) 중 / 서울 청계광장 - 참가대상: 재한중앙아시아인 또는 한국 국민 - 지원방법: 참가신청서 및 2분 이내 공연영상*을 이메일로 제출 - 지원서 및 영상 접수: 현재~2022. 9. 29. (목) 23:59까지 자세한 사항은 해당 홈페이지에 참고하여 주시기 바랍니다.
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.09.20
- [Fall 2022] 2022 National Hangeul Museum Program for Foreigners / 2022国立韩文博物馆外国人教育项目
- 2022년 국립한글박물관 외국인 대상 교육 프로그램 1. 교육명: 디자인으로 만나는 한글 2. 교육 대상: 외국인 단체 3. 교육 일정: 2022년 10월 초부터 상시 운영 4. 교육 비용: 무료 5. 신청기간: 2022. 9. 19. (월) ~ 2022. 12. 2. (금) 6. 신청방법: 외국인 단체 담당자가 신청서를 작성하여 전자우편(qrin514@korea.kr)으로 송부. *자세한 내용은 국립한글박물관 누리집(www.hangeul.go.kr) 참고 7. 문의: 국립한글박물관 연구교육과 02-2124-6448/6442. 2022 National Hangeul Museum Program for Foreigners 1. Program: Meeting Hangeul with Design 2. Eligiblity: Foreigner Group 3. Program Date: Beginning of October 2022 4. Fee: Free 5. Application Date: September 19th, 2022 (Monday) ~ December 2nd, 2022 (Friday) 6. Application Method: The person in charge of foreigner group should fill out the application and send by email (qrin514@korea.kr) *For detailed information, please visit www.hangeul.go.kr 7. Inquiry: 02-2124-6448/6442. 2022国立韩文博物馆外国人教育项目 1. 教育主题: 透过设计看韩文 2. 教育对象: 外国人团体 3. 教育日程: 2022年10月初起长期运营 4. 教育费用: 免费 5. 申请期间: 2022年9月19日~12月2日 6. 申请方法: 由外国人团体负责人填写申请书后发送至博物馆负责人邮箱(qrin514@korea.kr)。 *详情请跳转至国立韩文博物馆官方网站(www.hangeul.go.kr) 7. 联系方式: 国立韩文博物馆研究教育科 02-2124-6448/6442。
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.09.20
- [Fall 2022] Shuttle Bus Schedule / 校车运行时间表
- Shuttle Bus Schedule Fall 2022 Please visit the links below for the shuttle bus schedule. This schedule is for the Fall 2022 and the period is from September 1st, 2022 ~ December 21st, 2022 International Campus Sinchon Campus 2022 延世校车运行时间表 请跳转至以下链接查看2022-2学期延世校车运行详情。 该时间表适用于2022年9月1日~12月21日。 国际校区 新村校区
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.09.20
- [Fall 2022] 2022 인차이나포럼 국제콘퍼런스 / 2022 INCHINA 论坛
- 2022 인차이나포럼 국제콘퍼런스 1. 일시 및 장소: 2022.09.27.(화) 09:30 ~ 17:30 / 송도컨벤시아 프리미어볼룸 2. 주 제: 상생·창조·소통의 미래지향적 한중관계와 인천 3. 주 최: 인천광역시, 주한중국대사관 4. 주 관: 인천연구원, 인천상공회의소, 인천창조경제혁신센터, 인천대 중국학술원, 현대중국학회, 한국유라시아학회, 한양대 중국문제연구소 5. 참가신청: URL 주소 접속하여 신청(http://www.icforum.or.kr/pc/main/main.php) 6. 연구책임: 인천연구원 경제환경연구부 김수한 연구위원(032-260-2671/xiuhan@ii.re.kr) 안 내: 윤성원 연구원(032-260-2772/swyoon@ii.re.kr) 2022 INCHINA 论坛 1.主题:共赢·创造·沟通的面向未来的韩中关系与仁川 2.日期:2022年9月27日(星期二) 3.地点:韩国仁川广域市松岛国际会展中心 4.主办:仁川广域市、中华人民共和国驻大韩民国大使馆 5.协办:仁川研究院、有关公共机关以及大学和学术团体 6.参加申请: http://www.icforum.or.kr/pc/main/main.php 7.联系方式: 仁川研究院经济环境研究部金秀汉(音译)研究委员(032-260-2671/xiuhan@ii.re.kr)、尹成源(音译)研究员 (032-260-2772/swyoon@ii.re.kr)
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.09.19
- 2022 5th African Martial Arts Congress
- 2022 5th African Martial Arts Congress 가. 회의 개요 1) 회 의 명: 2022 제5회 아프리카 무예회의 (2022 5thAfrican Martial Arts Congress) 2) 회의주제:『Solidarity In Action: Beyond Martial Arts Partnerships』 3) 회의기간: 2022.10.25.(화) ~ 2022.10.28.(금) / 3박 4일 * 세부계획 참조(붙임) 및 상기 일정 중 선택 참여 가능 4) 회의장소: 유네스코 국제무예센터 국제회의장 (충북 충주시 옻갓길 73) 5) 회의언어: 영어(English) 6) 주최/주관: 유네스코 국제무예센터 (UNESCO ICM) 나. 신청자 모집 1) 모집기간 : 2022. 9. 13.(화) ~ 9. 30.(금) 2) 모집인원 : 15인 (선착순 모집) 3) 지원자격 : 아프리카 국적의 영어 구사 가능한 무예, 체육, 스포츠, 청소년, 여성 등 관련 분야 국내외 대학(원) 재·휴학생 4) 관련분야 : 아프리카, 스포츠, 무예교육, 체육교육, 청소년 및 여성 교육 등 5) 참가혜택 : 회의 기간 숙소 및 식사 제공, 참가증 수여, 충주/DMZ 탐방 기회 제공 6) 신청방법 : ch.han@unescoicm.org로 붙임 신청서 작성 후 제출 또는 https://forms.gle/9ipQAMAvX7bCS9qX6 를 통한 참가 신청 4. 문의사항: 국제협력팀 한창희 전문관(043-845-6728 / 010-7470-9647) 2022 5th African Martial Arts Congress -Theme: Solidarity In Action: Beyond Martial Arts Partnerships -Date: October 25th, 2022 ~ October 28th, 2022 -Time: 9:00~18:00 each day -Venue: Conference Hall of UNESCO ICM (73, Otgat-gil, Chungju-si, Korea) -Language: English -Host Organizer: UNESCO ICM (International Centre of Martial arts) HOW TO REGISTER 1. Registration date: September 13th ~ September 30th 2. Availablity: 15 people (first 15 to register) 3. Eligibility: African nationality who are in the field of Sports, Physical Education, Martial Arts, Youth and Women Education, African Tradition and Culture, and International Cooperation 4. Registration Method: Fill out the attached document and submit to ch.han@unescoicm.org or fill out the form at https://forms.gle/9ipQAMAvX7bCS9qX6 For any questions, please contact 043-845-6728
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.09.16
- [Fall 2022] Early Graduation Application Period for February 2023 Graduation/ 2023年2月早期毕业申请
- Early Graduation Application Period for February 2023 Graduation Requirements for early graduation - Students who completed a minimum of 6 semesters in total and satisfy graduation requirements - A cumulative of GPA is 3.75 or above (on 4.3 scale) * a cumulative of GPA is calculated based on all courses that had been registered Application Period: September 14 (Wed) ~ September 20 (Tues) 5 PM Submission: Fill out the attached documents and submit it to the Academic Support Team (#B101, Underwood Hall) For further information, please check the notice at the Yonsei website. 2023年2月早期毕业申请 申请时间:2022年9月14日(星期三)至9月20日(星期二)下午五点 申请方法:填写早期毕业申请表后提交至学生支援处(安德伍德馆 B101) 详情请跳转至延世大学官网公告栏进行查询。
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.09.16
- COVID-19 Vaccination Guideline for Foreigners / 关于外国人接种新冠疫苗的通知
- COVID-19 Vaccination Guideline for Foreigners in South Korea Vaccination for foreigners in South Korea is available. Please check the poster for eligibility, vaccine type, dosing interval and appointment. 关于外国人接种新冠疫苗的通知 接种新冠疫苗,是预防新冠重症、死亡最重要的手段。为了您和家人的健康,请参加疫苗的接种。 关于新冠疫苗接种的更多说明,请参照附件。
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.09.13
- 2022 WorldSkills Champions Special Edition Goyang Volunteer
- 2022 WorldSkills Competition Special Edition Goyang Recruiting Volunteers for Translators 2022 WSCSE Goyang is looking for 9 volunteers who can translate in English. Please refer to the poster for detailed information. - Application Date: September 6th~ 15th 18:00 - Location: Ilsan Kintex - Volunteer Date: October 7th~16th - Application Method: Email (gifts101@hrdkorea.or.kr) - Inquiry: karius794@hrdkorea.or.kr
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.09.08
- Gangneung American Corners English Day Program
- Gangneung American Corners English Day Program Date and Program: - September 17th, 2022 (Saturday) 14:00~16:00 "Art in America" - September 24th, 2022 (Saturday) 14:00~16:00 "Sports Diplomacy" Speaker: Martha Pudner (9/17) and Clare Schnabel (9/24), Fulbright U.S. Grantee Description: - Art in America: Expression Through the Ages This program will take an in-depth look at the evolution of art through American history. What movements were born in America, and how do they relate to the American spirit? We will learn about prominent artists that defined the American art scene as well as the birth of street art in New York City. (미국 예술) - Sports Diplomacy: Why Olympics Matter to Diplomacy This session will focus on Olympics from the past and the present times and their effect on the host country's image. As we explore them, we will discuss the future of the Olympics and the benefits and downfalls of hosting this prestigious event. (스포츠 외교) Location: Online (Zoom) RSVP: https://forms.gle/wY9AZx17boyDgaWYA Inquiry: 033-660-3258
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.09.08