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연구소 활동

학술행사 및 세미나

2024년 제1회 해외석학 초청 세미나
교육연구소 관리자
게시글 내용

연세대학교 교육연구소 해외석학 초청 세미나

(YIER Special Lecture Series)


▶일시: 2024년 3월 25일 월요일 13:00-14:00

▶장소: 연세대학교 교육과학관 406호

▶강연자: Michael Thier, Ph.D. (International Baccalaureate Organization)

▶주제: Can discrete-choice measures and situational-judgment tests offer answers to ongoing questions about how to quantify global citizenship?

▶초록: Examining global citizenship, I illustrate challenges and possibilities for providing K-12 stakeholders with measures to quantify global citizenship. First, I trace historical steps (and missteps) toward developing measures of global citizenship. Second, based on dissertation data I collected from students in International Baccalaureate schools in two countries and other burgeoning research in the field, I endorse discrete-choice measures (DCM) and situational-judgment tests (SJT) as alternatives to circumvent conceptual, methodological, and political barriers that disrupt the field.


Attempts to measure global citizenship have not been well-resourced like century-or-longer attempts to optimize measures of literacy and numeracy, so this field still suffers from:

definitional variety, yielding tensions in several types of validity, according to scholars, practitioners, and students;

construct multidimensionality, specifically differing constraints for measuring dispositions, knowledge, skills, and behaviors;

inadequate sample sizes thwarting development opportunities;

backlashes to globalism that recent nationalist movements embody (perhaps hardened by COVID-19 pandemic responses);

questions of whether any instrument could feasibly measure global citizenship cross-culturally (within one diverse context or internationally); and

debates about descriptive v. inferential data uses with implications for longitudinal measurement, among others.


I take the position that DCM and SJT show more promise than self-reportthe field’s standard approach despite its inherent bias toward social desirability—and encourage their continued development.


▶강연자 소개: Michael Thier, Ph.D., is a Research Manager at the International Baccalaureate Organization, and he lectures on research methods at the University of Oregon. He uses multiple and mixed methods to (a) evaluate global citizenship education (GCE) programs, including international/cross-cultural comparisons, to inform implementation, improvement, measurement, and policy; and (b) investigate opportunities and conditions enabling GCE in rural and/or remote schools. Collaborating with scholars in more than 25 nations, he produces research that has garnered multiple awards from the American Educational Research Association, including Outstanding Mixed Methods Dissertation. His contributions have yielded about 80 written knowledge products, and he has made more than 120 scholarly presentations. Before beginning his career in research, he taught in and led IB programmes in public middle and high schools for a decade and spent many years as a journalist.

[포스터] 교육연구소 해외석학 초청 세미나 안내_수정.jpg