- Prof. Hyun Jae Kim appeared on the KBS News program, INTEGRATED NEWSROOM ET (ECONOMY TODAY)
- Prof. Hyun Jae Kim was invited as a speaker to the KBS News [Integrated Newsroom ET] program on February 27, 2023. Prof. Kim analyzed Korea's global OLED market share, future strategies of various display companies, and presented the importance of OLED in the display industry and the direction of the next-generation display market.
- 전기전자공학부 2023.03.24
- Jae Park (Prof. Jungmok Seo’s research team) published a paper in Advanced Science (JCR top 5.94%)
- Prof. Jungmok Seo’s research team (BLISS) reported a multifunctional hydrogel that can be robustly interfaced with the human tissues and enable long-term bio-signal recordings. This work has been published in Advanced Science (IF=17.521). This work was supervised under Prof. Jungmok Seo (Corresponding author) and led by graduate student Jae Park(first author).
- 전기전자공학부 2023.03.24
- Prof. Sohn’s Team Published 5 Papers on IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2023
- 5 papers have been accepted for presentation on IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (Google Scholar h5-index 389, Rank 1st in Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition category). 4 papers were written by Taeyong Song, Minsu Kim, Jungin Park, and Hyeongjun Kwon Ph.D. Candidate, as the 1st authors and Prof. Kwanghoon Sohn as the corresponding author. 1 paper was written by Hyesong Choi Ph.D. Candidate in EWU, as the 1st authors and Prof. Dongbo Min in EWU as the corresponding author and and Professor Kwanghoon Sohn and his team conducted joint research.
- 전기전자공학부 2023.03.24
- Prof. Youngcheol Chae received a research grant from NRF's Mid-Career Researcher Program in 2023
- Professor Youngcheol Chae, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, received a research grant from the NRF (National Research Foundation of Korea) Mid-Career Researcher Program. The research theme is pushing the limits of current ADC technology, and a total of 1.25 billion won will be supported over the next five years.
- 전기전자공학부 2023.03.24
- Jiwon Lee (Professor Ro research team) research paper has been accepted to IEEE HPCA’23
- SnakeByte: A TLB Design with Adaptive and Recursive Page Merging in GPUs Prof. Ro’s research team improved the efficiency of GPUs by exploiting their memory access patterns. This work has been accepted to IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA), a top-tier conference in computer architecture. This research was supervised by Professor Won Woo Ro and Professor William J. Song and led by graduate student Jiwon Lee.
- 전기전자공학부 2023.03.02
- Cheonjun Park (Professor Ro research team) research paper has been accepted to AAAI’23
- Balanced Column-Wise Block Pruning for Maximizing GPU Parallelism Prof. Ro’s research team studied DNN pruning considering the GPU optimization, for DNN acceleration. This work has been accepted to AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI, Oral Acceptance Rate: 10.8%), a top-tier conference in Artificial Intelligence. This research was supervised by Professor Won Woo Ro and led by graduate student Cheonjun Park.
- 전기전자공학부 2023.03.02
- Four Papers from Prof. Kang’s Lab. Accepted to ICASSP 2023
- Four papers from Prof. Hong-Goo Kang’s lab. have been accepted to ICASSP 2023, which is one of the top conferences in the speech processing area. These papers were led by Hyungseob Kim, Miseul Kim, Zhenyu Piao, and Byeonghyeon Kim. Two papers were collaborated with Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) and other two papers was collaborated with Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology (KEIT).
- 전기전자공학부 2023.03.01
- Paper Publication in IEEE Transactions on Power System
- Dr. Sung-Hoon Lim and Prof. Jung-Wook Park in Power and Control System Lab. will publish the journal paper titled “Estimation of Behind-the-Meter Power Loss of Renewables with EMS Data” in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (IF 7.326, weight-3 in the field of electrical & electronic engineering).
- 전기전자공학부 2023.03.01
- Paper Publication in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
- Mr. Myeong-Won Kim (Ph.D. candidate) and Prof. Jung-Wook Park in Power and Control System Lab. will publish the journal paper titled “New Acoustic Noise Reduction Method for Signal-Injection-Based IPMSM Sensorless Drive” in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (IF 5.967, weight-3 in the field of electrical & electronic engineering).
- 전기전자공학부 2023.03.01
- Kyung Chul Lee (Prof. Seung Ah Lee’s) Published a Cover Article in Optica
- Prof. Seung Ah Lee’s research team (Optical Imaging Systems Lab) developed a technique for design and high-throughput fabrication of custom lensless cameras with arbitrary point spread functions. This work has been published in Optica (IF=10.644) and featured as the main cover.
- 전기전자공학부 2023.02.03