- Prof. Hyun Jae Kim’s Research Team Published a Paper on ‘IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices’
- Prof. Hyun Jae Kim's research team proposed a compensation pixel circuit based on a dual-gate oxide thin film transistor capable of selective synchronization and developed a technology that enables more accurate and faster threshold voltage change detection and compensation while improving device mobility. The result was published in IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices (IF=3.221), an authoritative academic journal in the field of semiconductor devices. This paper was conducted in collaboration with LG Display, led by Prof. Kim (corresponding author) and Jin Her (the first author, M.S. candidate).
- 전기전자공학부 2022.10.12
- Prof. Jun Han’s CyPhy Lab wins Best Poster Award at ACM MobiSys’22
- Prof. Jun Han’s research lab (CyPhy) won the Best Poster Award at ACM MobiSys 2022 (top-tier conference in mobile computing systems). This poster accompanies the full paper also published and presented at the same conference. This paper proposes a novel method to detect counterfeit liquid food products in sealed bottles only using a smartphone camera.
- 전기전자공학부 2022.08.26
- Prof. Jun Han’s CyPhy Lab: ACM MobiSys’22 Paper Featured in Multiple News/Media Including Forbes
- Prof. Jun Han’s research lab (CyPhy)’s recent paper published at ACM MobiSys 2022 (top-tier conference in mobile computing systems) is featured in multiple Korean news including YTN, Chosun, Yonhap. This paper proposes a novel method to detect counterfeit liquid food products in sealed bottles only using a smartphone camera.
- 전기전자공학부 2022.08.24
- Sihun Baek (Prof. Kim’s research team) awarded Student Best Paper Award in FL-IJCAI 2022
- Prof. Kim’s research team (RAMO) reported a novel split learning algorithm utilizing Vision Transformer’s mechanism and achieved improved accuracy, privacy, and communication efficeincy. This work has been awared FL-ICJAI 2022 Best Studnet Paper Award· This work was supervised under Prof. Seoung-lyun Kim (Corresponding author) and led by graduate student Sihun Baek (first author), Prof. Jihong Park (Deakin Unversity), Praneeth Vepakomma (MIT Media Lab), Prof. Mehdi Bennis (University of Oulu), and et al.
- 전기전자공학부 2022.08.22
- Prof. Sohn’s Team Published the Paper of Online Stereo Adaptation on European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)
- The paper, “PointFix: Learning to Fix Domain Bias for Robust Online Stereo Adaptation” has been accepted to European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2022 (H5-index = 186). This work has been done by Kwonyoung Kim, Joint Master/Ph.D student, as the 1st author and Prof. Kwanghoon Sohn as the corresponding author.
- 전기전자공학부 2022.08.22
- Mingyu Sang, Kyowon Kang (Professor Yu Research Group) received the 'Best Paper Award'
- Mingyu Sang (first author), Kyowon Kang (first author) and Professor Ki Jun Yu (corresponding author) published a thesis in Advanced Materials (IF 32.086, < JCR Top 2%), an international academic and the most prestigious journal in multidisciplinary engineering through international cooperation research with Professor Baoxing Xu’s research team (Virginia university) and received the 'Best Paper Award' as a representative of the College of Engineering in the '2022 Graduate School Innovation Paper Award'.
- 전기전자공학부 2022.08.22
- Professor Yu Research Group received the ‘Encouragement Prize'
- Young Uk Cho (first author), Ju Young Lee (first author) and Professor Ki Jun Yu (corresponding author) published a thesis in Advanced Functional Materials (IF 19.92, < JCR Top 5%), an international academic and the most prestigious journal in multidisciplinary engineering through international cooperation research with Dr. Il-Joo Cho’s research team (KIST) and received the ‘Encouragement Prize' as a representative of the College of Engineering in the '2022 Graduate School Innovation Paper Award'.
- 전기전자공학부 2022.08.22
- Minhyeok Lee, Chaewon Park, Chajin Shin, Suhwan Cho (Prof. Lee’s team)’s 3 paper have been accepted in ECCV
- Prof. Lee’s papers, “SPSN: Superpixel Prototype Sampling Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection”, “Expanded Adaptive Scaling Normalization for End to End Image Compression”, “Tackling Background Distraction in Video Object Segmentation” are to be published in European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), one of the most highly-ranked conference in Computer Vison & Pattern Recognition field (Rank 3). These works were led by Minhyeok Lee (M.S/Ph.D 3rd), Chaewon Park (M.S/Ph.D 4th), Chajin Shin (M.S/Ph.D 4th) and Suhwan Cho (M.S/Ph.D 5th) as the first authors and Prof. Sangyoun Lee as the corresponding author.
- 전기전자공학부 2022.08.22
- Insu Choi’s paper has been accepted in ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference
- Insu Choi (an undergraduate student of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Yonsei University) in Prof. Joon-Sung Yang’s research team, has published and presented a paper “Bipolar Vector Classifier for Fault-tolerant Deep Neural Networks” at 2022 59th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (San Francisco, USA), a top-tier conference in design automation. This paper proposes a novel classifier architecture to improve the reliability of the deep learning image classification algorithm, and it shows the 97 times higher reliability than conventional methods.
- 전기전자공학부 2022.08.22
- Ph.D. Kyoungoh Lee’s paper has been accepted for publication at IEEE TCSVT
- Kyoungoh Lee’s paper, "Self-Updatable Database System Based on Human Motion Assessment Framework" has been accepted for publication at IEEE TCSVT (IF=5.859 JCR Ranking=48/276) This work was led by Ph.D. Kyoungoh Lee as the first author and Prof. Sanghoon Lee as the corresponding author. In addition, Yeseung Park and Jungwoo Huh, Ph.D. student, are participated as the second author.
- 전기전자공학부 2022.08.22