- Prof. Hong’s Research Paper is Published on IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (IF: 5.339)
- Prof. Daesik Hong’s research team has been approved for a publication of a paper regarding a cooperative superposed transmission for highly reliable V2V system at IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (IEEE TVT), one of the most prestigious journal in wireless communication area (Impact Factor 5.339). This research was guided by Prof. Daesik Hong (corresponding author) and led by Ph. D. candidate student Taehyung Kim (first author).
- 전기전자공학부 2020.01.08
- Prof. Hong’s Research Paper is Accepted on IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (IF: 6.394)
- Prof. Daesik Hong’s research team has approved to pulish a paper regarding a low-complex SVD-based Filtered OFDM at IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (IEEE TWC), one of the most prestigious journal in wireless communication area (Impact Factor 6.394). This paper is accepted on November 3rd, 2019. This research was guided by Prof. Daesik Hong (corresponding author) and led by Ph. D. candidate student Hyejin Kim (first author).
- 전기전자공학부 2020.01.08
- Prof. Sohn’s paper has been accepted to IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI)
- Prof. Sohn’s paper, “Dense Cross-Modal Correspondence Estimation with the Deep Self-Correlation Descriptor”, has been accepted to IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), one of the most prestigious journal in Computer Vision area (Impact Factor 17.73, JCR Electrical & Electronic Engineering Ranking 0.4%). This work was done by Dr. Seungryong Kim, Postdoctoral Researcher, as the 1st author and Prof. Kwanghoon Sohn as the corresponding author. Dr. Steve Lin of the Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA) Institute and Prof. Dongbo Min of Ewha Womans University jointly participated in this proeject.
- 전기전자공학부 2020.01.08
- Doctor Hansung Kim is employed as Professor in University of Southampton, UK
- Doctor Hansung Kim is employed as a Professor (Tenure Track, Senior Lecturer) in Dept. of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, United Kingdom. Doctor Kim received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Yonsei University in Digital Image Media Lab (Prof. Sohn’s Team). He was a researcher in Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR), Japan, and a senior research fellow in Centre for Vision, Speech, and Signal Processing (CVSSP) at University of Surrey, UK.
- 전기전자공학부 2020.01.08
- Prof. Seung Ah Lee’s group wins MOTIE grant on wearable smart device technology
- Prof. Seung Ah Lee’s group wins a grant on smart wearable device for neurodegenerative disease detection. Her team will be developing lensless wearable cameras for high-speed eye tracking. This project will be a collaborative research between Yonsei University, Severance Hospital, an industrial partner (Wontech, Co., Ltd.) and two national labs (KOPTI, KERI). Total $1.3M award will be funded by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy for the duration of 14 months.
- 전기전자공학부 2020.01.08
- Prof. Seung Ah Lee’s group wins incubation research grant from LG Display
- Optical Imaging Systems Lab (PI : Prof. Seung Ah Lee) wins $40K incubation research grant from LG Display. The team will be working with LG Display to develop a simulation model and the image reconstruction algorithm for a lensless camera system with the goal of designing a miniaturized 360° imaging device.
- 전기전자공학부 2020.01.08
- Prof. Sungho Kang’s research team won the grand prize at the 3rd SK Hynix Semiconductor Innovation Idea Contest
- Prof. Sungho Kang’s research team won the grand prize at “The 3rd SK Hynix Semiconductor innovation Idea Contest’ with the topic of innovative design technology to overcome the limitation of DRAM. They presented ‘a redundancy analysis accelerator for efficient redundancy analysis’. These ideas drastically reduced test and repair cost since they can find DRAM repair solutions rapidly without complicated RA algorithms utilizing artificial neural network. Prof. Sungho Kang and graduate students Tae hyun Kim, Hayoung Lee, and Donghyun Han were awarded by these ideas.
- 전기전자공학부 2020.01.08
- A paper about person re-identification has been accepted to AAAI 2020
- A paper titled ”Relation Network for Person Re-identification” has been accepted to AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2020 (1591/7737~20%). This work has been done with Hyunjong Park and Prof. Bumsub Ham. AAAI is a top-tier conference in the field of machine learning/artificial intelligence.
- 전기전자공학부 2020.01.08
- Employment of Professor Dr. Taehui Na and Hanwool Jeong
- Dr. Taehui Na and Hanwool Jeong are employed as Assistant Professors of Department of Electronic Engineering, Incheon National University and Kwang Woon University, respectively, on Sep. 2019. Dr. Taehui Na and Hanwool Jeong from VLSI System Laboratory (Prof. Seong-Ook Jung) received Ph.D degrees at Yonsei University in 2017. They were selected as BK21 outstanding student fellows during doctoral course.
- 전기전자공학부 2019.09.30
- Prof. Yu grants Mid-career Research Program supported by NRF
- The study of “Transparent, 3-Dimensional Flexible Active Electronics for 3-Dimensional High-resolution Neural Recording & Actuation” by Prof. Yu’s group grants Mid-career researcher program by National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF). The project is about 3D electronics for the development of source technology to next-generation neural devices. Research group grants 900 million won for 4.5 years.
- 전기전자공학부 2019.09.30