All the courses are provided in Korean and focus on getting a Korean teaching certificate as a process of fostering Korean teachers (Courses of English Education major could be provided in English according to the subject).
Therefore, it is estimated that it could be hard to keep up with the course, if you are not fluent enough in Korean.
After finishing the course, a master degree as well as a Second Grade Certificate of Secondary School Teacher is granted, which is valid in Korean only.
특별전형, 일반전형 모두 영어공인성적표는 필수서류가 아닙니다.
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전공별로 관련이 있는 서류를 자유롭게 추가로 제출하셔도 됩니다.
영어관련 전공(예, 영어교육, 조기영어교육, 외국어로서의한국어교육 등)의 경우에는
영어공인성적표를 제출하는 지원자가 많으므로 이점도 참고하시기 바랍니다.