- 이정욱
- Director, Institute of State Governance Studies
- 02)2123-5956
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- Lee, Jong Soo
- jslwsh@yonsei.ac.kr
- (+82)02-2123-2967
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- Park, Myung-Lim
- Director, Center for Archives of Records on Korean Presidents
- mlpark@yonsei.ac.kr
- (+82)02-2123-6619
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- Moon, M. Jae
- Professor, Department of Public Administration
- mjmoon@yonsei.ac.kr
- (+82)02-2123-2959
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- Jin, Young Jae
- Professor
- y2jin@yonsei.ac.kr
- (+82)02-2123-2942
- Lee, Eun Kook
- Professor, Department of Public Administration
- eklee@yonsei.ac.kr
- (+82)02-2123-2965
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- Park, Young Ryeol
- Professor, School of Business
- yrpark@yonsei.ac.kr
- (+82)02-2123-2529
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- Park, Chan Ung
- Professor, Department of Sociology
- chanung@yonsei.ac.kr
- (+82)02-2123-2423
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