- Establish an Open Network Lab that is a hub for joint research between researchers at Yonsei and abroad
- Present a new globalization model for research and education
- Expand Yonsei’s affiliation by increasing international joint research, and thereby enhancing Yonsei’s research performance and its recognition abroad
- Secure a pool of outstanding foreign researchers to conduct research with Yonsei
- Offer opportunities for joint research by instilling a sense of belonging to Yonsei and providing incentives
- Encourage joint research opportunities and exchange of research results through invitation programs tailored to individual researchers
- Gather, model and spread exemplary cases from international research networks
- Establish a web-based platform in order to maintain the stability of the YFL support program and encourage voluntary participation/spread
- Expand the targeted area to include not just researchers with outstanding results, but also researchers (or institutions) with promising potential
- Break away from institutional frameworks to establish Yonsei’s own creative model for discovering and drawing in outstanding researchers