모바일 메뉴 닫기

Young Researcher Support Program


  • The accomplishment of the Yonsei Frontier Lab’s purposes for establishment, such as new globalization of research・education, increase in research achievement, and enhancement of international recognition
  • Strengthening Yonsei’s competitiveness in academic research by recruiting outstanding post-doctoral researchers who can immediately contribute to research results


  • Applicable fields: Science and engineering fields, Humanities and Social Science fields in Sinchon/International Campus (excluding College of Medicine, College of Dentistry, College of Nursing, and the Wonju Campus)
  • Required conditions
    • Young researchers: Must have acquired a Ph.D. in the last 7 years
    • Standard for measuring academic achievement: One who has a Ph.D. in the Science and Engineering fields and has published more than 2 papers in JCR Q1 level academic journals in their field of specialty within the last 2 years. One who has a Ph.D. in the Humanities and Social Science fields and has published more than 1 papers in JCR Q1 level academic journals in their field of specialty within the last 2 years. (Will acknowledge papers that have only received their Acceptance Letter at the time of application. However, such papers will not be rewarded paper incentives.)
    • Faculty recommendation: Must acquire recommendation from a full-time faculty member on the Sinchon/International Campus and be eligible for receiving wages by external projects through the University Industry Foundation’s RMS system and concluding a labor contract with the Yonsei University Industry Foundation
  • Note
    • Post-doc researchers who are receiving support from BK21+, General Researcher Support Program – Research Fellow, Academic Next Generation Cultivation Program (Post-Doc domestic training, part-time instructor support, academic research professor), Overseas Outstanding New and Rising Researcher Invitation Program, etc. may also apply
    • Researchers are able to apply for this program simultaneously with the Office of Research Affair’s on-campus post-doc researcher support program but may be selected for only one program.

Content and period of support

  • Expenses

    1) Sinchon (Science and Engineering): Standard Post-Doc receipt of 38.4 million won, including 8 million won (fixed-rate) for paper incentives, and of which the recommending faculty burdens 60% or more of the YFL support funding

    ※ Example of funding receipt

    Content and period of support
    Principal Principal Receipt (Example, in KRW)
    38.4 million 28.8 million 50 million
    YFL Research funding 16 million 10 million 16 million
    Paper incentive 8 million 8 million 8 million
    Subtotal 24 million 18 million 24 million
    Faculty matching Wages 14.4 million
    (24 million * 60%)
    10.8 million
    (14 million * 60%)
    26 million
    (24 million * 60%↑)

    ※ YFL’s maximum funding : 24 million including 8 million in paper incentives

  • 2) Sinchon (Humanities and Social Science): Standard Post-Doc receipt of 20 million won, including 4 million won (fixed-rate) for paper incentives, and of which the recommending faculty burdens 30% or 40% more of the YFL support funding

    - Researchers who received a Ph.D. degree at any other university but Yonsei University: Matching rate 30%

    - Researchers who received a Ph.D. degree at Yonsei University: Matching rate 40%

    ※ Example of funding receipt

    Content and period of support
    Principal Principal Receipt (Example, in KRW)
    26 million(Non Yonsei Post-doc) 28million(Yonsei Post-doc) 30 million
    YFL Research funding 16 million 16 million 16 million
    Paper incentive 4 million 4 million 4 million
    Subtotal 20 million 20 million 20 million
    Faculty matching Wages 6 million
    (20 million * 30%)
    8 million
    (20 million * 40%)
    10 million
    (20 million * 30% or 40%↑)

    ※ YFL’s maximum funding : 20 million including 4 million in paper incentives

  • Funding period : 6 months or 1 year (An extension of the application period requires reapplication through the same process at the time of the initial termination)

Selection and evaluation process

    1st step of evaluation
    Evaluation of whether requirements are met
    • Method of evaluation : Review whether the applicant satisfies the application requirements provided in the application overview
    2nd step of evaluation
    Comprehensive evaluation
    • Table on the YFL Selection Committee
    • Important evaluation content
      1. 1) Review of Post-doc researcher’s research achievements and plans
      2. 2) Research achievements of the recommending faculty member

    Payment and administration

    • Research funding and paper incentive
      1. 1) The YFL’s research funding is provided once every quarter, from the school’s educational expenditures, in the form of subsidies (miscellaneous income, paid in May · August · November · February), and in cases of mid-career retirement, research funding is calculated up to the day of retirement
      2. 2) Paper incentives are provided for main authors of papers published (or have received Acceptance Letters) in JCR (Journal Citation Reports) Q1 academic journals within one year after the funding period, with 4 million for one paper and a maximum of 8 million for two papers for researchers in Science and engineering areas and a maximum of 4 million for one paper for researchers in Humanities and Social Science areas.
    • Faculty Matching(1-year): The wages corresponding to the faculty matching sum will be divided in 1/13 and paid on the first day of every month
    • Severance Pay: If a full year of employment is completed, the remaining 1/13 will be provided as severance pay, but mid-term terminations will not be given this severance pay
    • Miscellaneous
      1. 1) Four Social Insurance Program (National Pension, Industry Accident Compensation Insurance, Employment Insurance, National Medical Insurance) not provided. The employer payment must be completed through the recommending faculty’s funding project

        2) Housing costs (on-campus) not supported

    Result Report

    • Period of submission
      1. The required paperwork must be submitted immediately after the project ends
    • Required documents
      1. 1) 1 copy of the Research Result Report (Separate Form)

        2) 1 copy of the recommending faculty’s evaluation of the Research Result Report (Separate Form)

    • Possible sanctions: If the Research Result Report is not submitted, the recommending faculty member will be subject to restrictions in the Office of Research Affair’s Post-Doc Researcher Support Program and the university’s research promotion programs
    • Indication of research results: All research results must include the following phrase
      1. 1) In Korean: "이 논문은 201X학년도 연세 프론티어연구원 신진연구자 지원사업의 (부분적인) 지원에 의하여 작성된 것임"

        2) In English: "This work was supported (in part) by the Yonsei University Research Fund(Yonsei Frontier Lab. Young Researcher Supporting Program) of 201X."

        3) In any different language : Indicate a phrase corresponding to the content provided in 1)

    Coordinator: Giseon JUNG, 02-2123-5188. ysfrontierlab@yonsei.ac.kr